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Health & Social Care Research Across North East & North Cumbria.

Getting Connected

Connect with people from our region

Research is about working in teams. Let's try and connect you to people with the same research interests

1 Connect with colleagues in your area of research

Whether you are new to research or en route to establishing your career, there are colleagues across our region who can provide guidance and support.

Here you can find the Specialty and Setting Leads who work in your area of interest in their role with the Research Delivery Network. Please do contact [email protected] if you would like to find out more.


Setting Leads

Community Simon Douglas
Hospitals Nicky Cunningham
Primary Care Yusuf Soni
Residential Louise Jones and Jill Deane (co-leads)

Specialty Leads

Ageing Claire McDonald
Anaesthesia, Perioperative Medicine and Pain Management Rhona Sinclair
Cancer Helen Marr
Cardiovascular Matthew Dewhurst and Adam McDiarmid (co-leads)
Children Sunhil Bhopal
Critical Care Tony Rostron
Dementia and Neurodegeneration Chris Clarke
Dermatology Shyamal Wahie
Diabetes, Metabolic and Endocrine Charlotte Gordon
Ear, Nose and Throat Diane Sellstrom
General Practice Eugene Tang
Haematology Kate Musgrave
Hepatology and Gastroenterology Outstanding
Imaging Simon Lowes
Infection Chris Duncan
Mental Health Sumeet Gupta
Musculoskeletal and Orthopaedics Faye Cooles
Neurology David Ledingham
Oral and Dental Susan Bissett
Opthalmology Roxanne Hillier
Palliative Care Felicity Dewhurst and Katie Frew (co-leads)
Public Health Emma Giles and Balsam Ahmad (co-leads)
Renal Rebecca Ryan and Chris Harding (co-leads)
Reproductive Health and Childbirth Fiona Yelnoorkar
Respiratory John Steer
Social Care Lesley Deacon and Sarah Lonbay (co-leads)
Surgery Nithya Ratnavelu and Aiste McCormick (co-leads)
Stroke Gemma Smith
Trauma and Emergency Care Mark Harrison

3 Sign up to...

The mentor directory  

This matches people from our region who are experienced in health and care research with colleagues who are new to it. The scheme is beneficial to both mentors and mentees, as it helps develop relationships and share the best practice across organisational boundaries. Learn more about the mentor directory here.

National and regional newsletters  

The NIHR Evidence newsletter shares NIHR-supported research findings in a way that is accessible and easy to understand.

Our Clinical Research Network North East and North Cumbria also publishes a monthly newsletter which includes local research updates aimed at health and care professionals. Contact [email protected] to be added to the mailing list.


"I found mentors in my field, joined professional societies and created a network of people who I could learn from and share knowledge and experience with."

Professor Yitka Graham, specialty group lead for Health Services Research

4 Engaging with patients and the public

A research champion (according to National Institute for Health and Care Research terminology) is a volunteer who promotes health and care research to patients, members of the public, carers and to healthcare professionals. Research champions can also provide a patient and public perspective and give feedback on your research project.

If you are interested in working with local research champions or other local Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) groups, please contact Justine Smith on [email protected].


5 Share your research story

This website features a number of research stories from colleagues around the region with the aim of inspiring and encouraging budding researchers. You can also share your story; you may find that it helps you form new connections with those who read it. Contact us on [email protected] for guidance on how to get started.